October / November 22-23
Home of the Mustangs
Finishing Up September
- Wednesday, September 14th: Papa Murphy Night - PTA (4:00-7:00 PM) / PTA Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM Rm 306
- Friday, September 16th: Third Friday Count
- Friday, September 30th: No School for Students - Professional Development Day for Teachers
- 12th: Papa Murphy Night - PTA (4:00-7:00 PM) / PTA Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM Room 306
- 14th: Grandparent’s Day
- 24th-27th: Literati Book Fair - Learning Commons
- 26th: Conferences 4:00-7:00 PM
- 27th: Conferences 8:00 AM-7:00 PM
- 28th: No School for Students or Staff
- 4th: No School for Students - Professional Development Day for Teachers
- 9th: Papa Murphy Night - PTA (4:00-7:00 PM) / PTA Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM Room 306
- 17th: End of the First Trimester
- 18th: No School for Students - Professional Development Day for Teachers
- 24th/25th: No School for Students and Staff Thanksgiving Break
- 28th: School Resumes
Safety Message
Please make sure students do not arrive on school grounds until 8:00 AM when supervision begins. After school transportation must be here for pick up at 3:08 PM. Students cannot stay on school grounds unsupervised or go over to the Marshall school grounds. This is for safety reasons.
2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR
December 1-15, 2022
School District Residents
If you have a child turning 5 (five) years old on or before September 1, 2022, and they are not currently enrolled in a School District of Janesville Preschool for Janesville (P4J) or Early Childhood (EC) program, it is time to enroll in the Janesville Public School District. Enrollment will take place by appointment only, at the Educational Services Center located at 527 S. Franklin St. (administration building) in the New Student Enrollment office. You may call 608-743-5153 or 608-743-5152 to make an appointment to enroll.
If you cannot attend the enrollment period please come in as soon as possible to enroll. Enrollment in the district is required for participation in orientation. When you enroll, you will need your child’s birth certificate for proof of age, proof of residency (top portion of a utility bill, or current lease) to determine school assignment, immunization records and photo identification. If you have questions on general enrollment, please contact the New Student Enrollment office at 743-5072 during regular office hours, 7:30am - 4:30 pm.
Requests for School Transfer/Placement within the School District (yellow forms) for incoming kindergarten students should be submitted through the enrollment process. Forms are available at all schools, as well as at the Educational Services Center. If you have questions regarding this process contact Deen Hartley at 743-5152. The status of requests will be determined by January 15, 2022 if they are turned in by December 15th. If you have a student currently attending a school under a School Transfer/Placement within the School District, it does not automatically qualify your kindergarten student for attendance at the same school; however, siblings are generally assigned to the same school. In order for your kindergarten student to attend the same school as a sibling, you must submit a request during the Kindergarten Enrollment time frame.
If you know of a child in your neighborhood or from community activities that would be entering kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year, please pass this enrollment information on.
Non-District Residents
If you are a non-resident of the School District of Janesville and have a child turning 5 (five) years old on or before September 1, 2021, and would like your child to attend the School District of Janesville, you must also apply for OPEN ENROLLMENT. The timeline for Open Enrollment is February 1 to April 30, 2022. Currently open enrolled non-residents in a P4J or EC program do not need to re-apply. If you have questions regarding the Open Enrollment process, please contact Deen Hartley at 743-5152.
Public School Open Enrollment Timelines
The State of Wisconsin has announced the application period for open enrollment (also known as public school choice) begins in February for the following school year. Open Enrollment laws permit children to attend a public school in a school district other than the one in which they live.
The open enrollment application period for the 2022-2022 school year is from February 1, 2022 – April 30, 2022. Parents are encouraged to apply on-line at (this link will close at 4 pm on April 30, 2022). Although on-line application is recommended, paper applications may be obtained from any school district after February 1, 2022 and must be delivered (hand-delivery is recommended) to the nonresident school district during the application period. Paper applications to attend Janesville must be submitted to the Open Enrollment Specialist in the New Student Enrollment Office no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 30th (a postmark does not constitute timely submission). Applications turned in prior to February 1st will be returned as not valid and must be resubmitted after February 1st but before April 30th at 4:00 p.m.
Enrollment in a requested school or program is subject to space and other limitations and is not guaranteed. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent. Habitual truancy may result in recommendation for the student to return to their home district.
Under School District of Janesville board policy, students who attended the district under open enrollment the previous year are not required to reapply for the following school year.
An application is required for each sibling in the family. For example, if a family has one child in elementary school that has been approved for open enrollment and a new student entering kindergarten next year, the student entering kindergarten must apply for open enrollment in order to attend the School District of Janesville.
Parents will be informed in June whether their open enrollment applications have been approved or denied. The student’s school or program placement will be provided in June.
If you have questions, please contact the Open Enrollment Specialist at 743-5152.
Child Find Notice
Upon request, the School District of Janesville is required to evaluate a child for eligibility for special education services. A request for evaluation is known as a referral. When the district receives a referral, the district will appoint an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to determine if the child has a disability, and if the child needs special education services. The district locates, identifies, and evaluates all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private (including religious) schools, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school district.
A student with a medically diagnosed disability is not automatically eligible for special education. An outside medical diagnosis is insufficient of special education eligibility. A student must be found eligible as a “child with a disability” under state and federal special education law. A student with a disability is one who requires specially designed instruction as a result of meeting the criteria for at least one of the identified disability categories under state and federal special education law. A student cannot start receiving special education services without a full and individual comprehensive special education evaluation completed by the student’s district. Outside evaluations and other information shared by the parent, such as medical diagnoses, are considered during the evaluation and may provide supporting or new information about the student’s academic and functional skills important for determining the nature and extent of the student’s disability and education needs. 34 CFR §§ 300.8 and 300.301. Wis. Stat. § 115.76(5).
A physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker, or administrator of a social agency who reasonably believes a child brought to him or her for services is a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must inform the child's parent that the referral will be made.
Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides.
Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability. A referral may be made by contacting Mrs. Kimberli Peerenboom, Director of Pupil Services, School District of Janesville, at 608-743-5061, or by writing her at 527 S. Franklin Street, Janesville, WI, 53548.
School District of Janesville
The School District of Janesville is required to locate, identify, and evaluate all children, with disabilities, including children with disabilities attending private schools in the school district, and homeless children. The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children with disabilities is known as child find. This agency conducts the following child find activities each year in the form of Early Childhood and Speech and Language Developmental Screenings. This notice informs parents of the records the school district will develop and maintain as part of its child find activities. This notice also informs parents of their rights regarding any records developed.
The school district gathers personally identifiable information on any child who participates in child find activities. Parents, teachers, and other professionals provide information to the school related to the child’s academic performance, behavior, and health. This information is used to determine whether the child needs special education services. Personally identifiable information directly related to a child and maintained by the school is a pupil record. Pupil records include records maintained in any way including, but not limited to, computer storage media, video and audiotape, film, microfilm, and microfiche. Records maintained for personal use by a teacher and not available to others and records available only to persons involved in the psychological treatment of a child are not pupil records.
The school district maintains several classes of pupil records.
"Progress records" include grades, courses the child has taken, the child's attendance record, immunization records, required lead screening records, and records of school extra-curricular activities. Progress records must be maintained for at least five years after the child ceases to be enrolled.
"Behavioral records" include such records as psychological tests, personality evaluations, records of conversations, written statements relating specifically to the pupil's behavior, tests relating specifically to achievement or measurement of ability, physical health records other than immunization and lead screening records, law enforcement officers' records, and other pupil records that are not "progress records." Law enforcement officers' records are maintained separately from other pupil records. Behavioral records may be maintained for no longer than one year after the child graduates or otherwise ceases to be enrolled, unless the parent specifies in writing that the records may be maintained for a longer period of time. The school district informs parents when pupil records are no longer needed to provide special education. At the request of the child's parents, the school district destroys the information that is no longer needed.
"Directory data" includes the student's name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, photographs, degrees and awards received, and the name of the school most recently previously attended by the student.
"Pupil physical health records" include basic health information about a pupil, including the pupil's immunization records, an emergency medical card, a log of first aid and medicine administered to the pupil, an athletic permit card, a record concerning the pupil's ability to participate in an education program, any required lead screening records, the results of any routine screening test, such as for hearing, vision or scoliosis, and any follow-up to the test, and any other basic health information, as determined by the state superintendent. Any pupil record relating to a pupil's physical health that is not a pupil physical health record is treated as a patient health care record under sections 146.81 to 146.84, Wisconsin Statutes. Any pupil record concerning HIV testing is treated as provided under section 252.15, Wisconsin Statutes.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and section 118.125, Wisconsin Statutes, afford parents and students over 18 years of age ("eligible students") the following rights with respect to education records:
The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of receipt of the request. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal [or appropriate school official] a written request that identifies the records(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. The school district will comply with the request without unnecessary delay and before any meeting about an individualized education program, or any due process hearing, and in no case more than 45 days after the request has been made. If any record includes information on more than one child, the parents of those children have the right to inspect and review only the information about their child or to be informed of that specific information. Upon request, the school district will give a parent or eligible student a copy of the progress records and a copy of the behavioral records. Upon request, the school district will give the parent or eligible student a list of the types and locations of education records collected, maintained, or used by the district for special education. The school district will respond to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of the records. A representative of the parent may inspect and review the records.
The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the parent or eligible student believes is inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask [Name of] School District to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the district decides not to amend the record, the district will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information in the student's education records, except to the extent that federal and state law authorize disclosure without consent. The exceptions are stated in 34 CFR 99.31, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulations; Sec. 9528, PL107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001; and section 118.125(2)(a) to (m) and sub. (2m), Wisconsin Statutes. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosures to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the district discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. Also the district discloses "directory data" without consent, unless the parent notifies the district that it may not be released without prior parental consent.
The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4605.
Monroe PTA
Are you interested in joining our PTA? Please follow the link to become a member for the 2022-2023 school year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (no meeting in December) at Monroe in Room 306, from 6:00-7:00 PM.
December / January 22-23
MONROE SCHOOL Home of the Mustangs
December/January NEWS 2022-2023
- 1st: Heart Course Open House 4:00-6:00 PM
- 6th: Scoopie Night 4:00-8:00 PM
- 14th: PTA Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM
- 15th: Papa Murphy’s Night 4:00-7:00 PM (PTA)
- 16th: Winter Sing: 8:45-9:45 Kindergarten
- 9:30-10:30 1st Grade
- 10:15-11:15 2nd Grade
- 12:30-1:30 4th Grade
- 1:15-2:15 3rd Grade
- 2:00-3:00 5th Grade
*More information to come on the Winter Sing.
- 22nd: NO SCHOOL Winter Break Begins
- 3rd: School Resumes
- 6th: Seal-A-Smile Dental Cleaning/Sealants
- 11th: Papa Murphy’s Night 4:00-7:00 PM (PTA) / PTA Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM
- 13th: Second Friday Count Day
- 16th: NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day
- 20th: NO SCHOOL - Personal Development Day for Staff
Safety Message
Please make sure students do not arrive on school grounds until 8:00 AM when supervision begins. After school transportation must be here for pick up at 3:08 PM. Students cannot stay on school grounds unsupervised or go over to the Marshall school grounds. This is for safety reasons.
Winter Weather Message
During the next few weeks, it is important we are sending the message to all students to dress appropriately for the upcoming winter months. Once the snow increases and is a major factor, the following rules should apply:
Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2 & 3
Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2 and 3 students must wear both waterproof pants (snow pants or snowsuit) and boots in order to play in the field. Without both snow pants and boots students must only play on the cleared blacktop areas.
Hats/hoods, mittens/gloves and winter coats are also outdoor apparel that should be worn at all times.
Grades 4 & 5
Grades 4 & 5 students are allowed to choose whether or not they wear waterproof pants and boots. We advise them to wear both. If a Grade 4 or 5 student chooses not to wear waterproof pants or boots and they become wet outdoors, they will not be allowed to call home for new/dry clothes.
We strongly encourage hats/hoods and mittens/gloves to be worn at all times as well. Coats must be worn outside during the winter months.
Weather Conditions
It is important that parents check each morning to make sure children are dressed suitably for the weather. If a child is well enough to be in school they are well enough to participate in outdoor recess and noon period activities. All children will remain inside if the wind chill is below zero or it is raining.
Thank you, in advance for reviewing your winter weather and before and after school plans with your student. This is important to ensure their safety especially with the better cold winter months upon us.
School District Residents
If you have a child turning 5 (five) years old prior to September 1, 2023 and they are not currently enrolled in a School District of Janesville Pre-school for Janesville (P4J) or Early Childhood (EC) program it is time to enroll in the Janesville Public School District. Enrollment will take place from December 1, 2022, through December 15, 2022, at the Educational Services Center located at 527 S. Franklin St. (administration building) in the New Student Enrollment office by appointment only. Please call (608) 743-5011. If you cannot attend during the enrollment period please make an appointment as soon as possible to enroll after December 15, 2022.
Enrollment in the district is required for participation in orientation. When you enroll, you will need your child’s birth certificate, proof of residency (Utility bill, current term lease, or government issued statement), immunization records and photo identification.
The window for Requests for School Transfer/Placement within the School District (yellow forms) for incoming kindergarten students are available from December 1, 2022, through December 15, 2022, and should be submitted during the enrollment process. Forms are available at the schools for current students requesting a transfer. Current proof of residence and a photo ID are required when submitting a transfer request.
If you have questions regarding this process contact Deen Hartley at 743-5152. The status of requests will be determined by January 15, 2023 if they are turned in by December 15th. If you have a student currently attending a school under a School Transfer/Placement within the School District, it does not automatically qualify your kindergarten student for attendance at the same school; however, siblings are generally assigned to the same school. In order for your kindergarten student to attend the same school as a sibling, you must submit a request during the Kindergarten Enrollment time frame.
If you know of a child in your neighborhood or from community activities that would be entering kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year, please pass this enrollment information on.
Non-District Residents
If you are a non-resident of the School District of Janesville and have a child turning 5 (five) years old prior to September 1, 2023 and would like your child to attend the School District of Janesville you must also apply for OPEN ENROLLMENT. The timeline for Open Enrollment is February 6, 2023, to April 28, 2023. Currently open enrolled non-residents in a P4J or EC program do not need to re-apply. If you have questions regarding the Open Enrollment process, please contact Deen Hartley at 743-5152.
Monroe PTA
Are you interested in joining our PTA? Please follow the link to become a member for the 2021-2022 school year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (no meeting in December) at Monroe in Room 306, from 6:00-7:00 PM.
New this year you can also join the meeting virtually using the link below if you are unable to attend in person!
Member Link:
Seal-A-Smile Information
Reduce your children’s risk of tooth decay:
- - Sugary foods and drinks should be consumed with meals. Saliva production increases during meals and kids crave a snack, offer them nutritious foods.
- - If your kids chew gum, make it sugarless – Chewing sugarless gum after eating can increase saliva flow and help wash out food and decay-producing acid.
- - Monitor beverage consumption – Children should make healthy beverage choices such water and low-fat milk. Try to avoid soda, fruit juices, energy drinks. Try flavored water.
- - Help your children develop good brushing and flossing habits. An adult can brush for the child until the age of 8 or so, until they have the fine motor skills. A toothbrushing calendar can be a nice reminder to help brush helps neutralize acid production and rinse food particles from the mouth. Snacks like cheese, popcorn, nuts, fruits, & vegetables are great!
- - Limit between-meal snacks. The more they snack, more sugar and simple carbs are in the mouth. If 2 times per day. Ask for one at your child’s school!
- - Schedule regular dental visits. Ideally seen 2 times per year. If you need a dentist, please reach out.
- -Your school has a free dental prevention program that offers dental screenings, fluoride, sealants, and referrals for cavities.
Get your Brushing Calendar here: Brushing Calendar
Child Find Notice
Upon request, the School District of Janesville is required to evaluate a child for eligibility for special education services. A request for evaluation is known as a referral. When the district receives a referral, the district will appoint an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to determine if the child has a disability, and if the child needs special education services. The district locates, identifies, and evaluates all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private (including religious) schools, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school district.
A student with a medically diagnosed disability is not automatically eligible for special education. An outside medical diagnosis is insufficient of special education eligibility. A student must be found eligible as a “child with a disability” under state and federal special education law. A student with a disability is one who requires specially designed instruction as a result of meeting the criteria for at least one of the identified disability categories under state and federal special education law. A student cannot start receiving special education services without a full and individual comprehensive special education evaluation completed by the student’s district. Outside evaluations and other information shared by the parent, such as medical diagnoses, are considered during the evaluation and may provide supporting or new information about the student’s academic and functional skills important for determining the nature and extent of the student’s disability and education needs. 34 CFR §§ 300.8 and 300.301. Wis. Stat. § 115.76(5).
A physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker, or administrator of a social agency who reasonably believes a child brought to him or her for services is a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must inform the child's parent that the referral will be made.
Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides.
Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability. A referral may be made by contacting Mrs. Kimberli Peerenboom, Director of Pupil Services, School District of Janesville, at 608-743-5061, or by writing her at 527 S. Franklin Street, Janesville, WI, 53548.
February / March 22-23
Home of the Mustangs
- 6th: Scoopie Night 4PM-8PM
- 8th: Papa Murphy’s Night 4PM-7PM (PTA) / PTA Meeting 6PM-7PM
- 13th: 100th Day of School
- 23rd: End of Trimester
- 24th: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS / Teacher Work Day (Elementary)
- 27th: Book Fair All Week
- 1st: Conferences 4PM-7PM
- 2nd: Conferences 8AM-7PM (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 7th: Scoopie Night 4PM-8PM
- 8th: Papa Murphy’s Night 4PM-7PM (PTA) / PTA Meeting 6PM-7PM
- 10th: Monroe Madness 5:00-7:30PM
- 20th: Spring Break Starts
- 27th: School Resumes
- 31st: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS / Professional Development Day for Teachers
Please make sure students do not arrive on school grounds until 8:00 AM when supervision begins. Also, after school please make sure transportation is here for pick up at 3:08 PM. Students cannot stay on school grounds unsupervised or go over to the Marshall school grounds. This means if a student is on school grounds either at Monroe or Marshall, a parent is directly with them supervising their activities. These rules are in place for the safety of all students.
P4J Kick Off Enrollment Event
Here are the links to our P4J Kick Off Event coming up in February!
2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR
School District Residents
If you have a child turning 5 (five) years old prior to September 1, 2023 and they are not currently enrolled in a School District of Janesville Pre-school for Janesville (P4J) or Early Childhood (EC) program it is time to enroll in the Janesville Public School District. Enrollment will take place from December 1, 2022, through December 15, 2022, at the Educational Services Center located at 527 S. Franklin St. (administration building) in the New Student Enrollment office by appointment only. Please call (608) 743-5011. If you cannot attend during the enrollment period please make an appointment as soon as possible to enroll after December 15, 2022.
Enrollment in the district is required for participation in orientation. When you enroll, you will need your child’s birth certificate, proof of residency (Utility bill, current term lease, or government issued statement), immunization records and photo identification.
The window for Requests for School Transfer/Placement within the School District (yellow forms) for incoming kindergarten students are available from December 1, 2022, through December 15, 2022, and should be submitted during the enrollment process. Forms are available at the schools for current students requesting a transfer. Current proof of residence and a photo ID are required when submitting a transfer request.
If you have questions regarding this process contact Deen Hartley at 743-5152. The status of requests will be determined by January 15, 2023 if they are turned in by December 15th. If you have a student currently attending a school under a School Transfer/Placement within the School District, it does not automatically qualify your kindergarten student for attendance at the same school; however, siblings are generally assigned to the same school. In order for your kindergarten student to attend the same school as a sibling, you must submit a request during the Kindergarten Enrollment time frame.
If you know of a child in your neighborhood or from community activities that would be entering kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year, please pass this enrollment information on.
Non-District Residents
If you are a non-resident of the School District of Janesville and have a child turning 5 (five) years old prior to September 1, 2023 and would like your child to attend the School District of Janesville you must also apply for OPEN ENROLLMENT. The timeline for Open Enrollment is February 6, 2023, to April 28, 2023. Currently open enrolled non-residents in a P4J or EC program do not need to re-apply. If you have questions regarding the Open Enrollment process, please contact Deen Hartley at 743-5152.
Health Net Information
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month! Please see the link below for information on how to conquer cavities.
Monroe PTA
Are you interested in joining our PTA? Please follow the link to become a member for the 2021-2022 school year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (no meeting in December) at Monroe in Room 306, from 6:00-7:00 PM.
New this year you can also join the meeting virtually using the link below if you are unable to attend in person!
Member Link: